Lost Planet 2...
Capcom LOST PLANET 2, VÖ: bereits erschienen/ System: PlayStation 3/ Genre: Action/ deutsche Version/ USK: 16/ Vollversion AKPC_IDS += "1442,";
Sony PlayStation 3 slim (320 GB)...
Sony Playstation 3 Slim Konsole 320GB schwarz AKPC_IDS += "1392,";
PlayStation 3 – Konsole Slim Black...
Sony Playstation PS 3 Konsole 320GB Slim + Little Big Planet 2 AKPC_IDS += "1378,";
PlayStation 3 / PS3 Slim – USB Cha...
– Ermöglicht gleichzeitiges Spielen und Laden des originalen PS3-Controllers – Verbindet die PSP-Videospielkonsole mit dem PlayStation 3 System – Kabellänge: 3 Meter AKPC_IDS += "1349,";
SingStar Dance (Move kompatibel)...
VÖ: 17.12.2010/ System: PlayStation 3/ Genre: Musik/ deutsche Version/ USK: ohne Altersbeschränkung/ Vollversion, Move only AKPC_IDS += "1327,";
PlayStation 3 Wireless Keypad...
Sony PS3 Wireless Keypad AKPC_IDS += "1325,";
PlayStation 3 – PlayStation Move S...
PlayStation Move: Starter Pack Includes: PlayStation Move: Motion Controller PlayStation Eye Camera Starter Disc Introducing the PlayStation Move The PlayStation 3 Motion Controller contains built-in motion sensors, including a colour-changing orb at its head, which interacts with the PlayStation...
PlayStation 3 – DualShock 3 Wirele...
Dual Shock 3 – Game Pad – 12 Taste(n) AKPC_IDS += "1250,";
PlayStation 3, PlayStation 2, PC* –...
AKPC_IDS += "1225,";
PlayStation 3 – Fernbedienung inkl...
Sony Playstation 3 Remote Contr. inkl. BD-Disc Inception AKPC_IDS += "1223,";

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